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2023 Jog-A-Thon & Fun Run
May 6, 2023
Scan the QR code
CLICK HERE to register and get started.
CLICK HERE to purchase a Jog-a-Thon t-shirt!
Games Raffles Individual Prizes Classroom Prizes Face Painting
This year, the FHES PTA is hosting Jog-A-Thon & Fun Run! We're using an awesome web-based system that makes it much easier for you to register your student runner (it's free!), request pledges (optional) from your family and friends, and to make secure credit card donations online.
Who: All interested FHES students from rising Kindergartners through 6th Graders!!
Who: All interested FHES students rising Kindergartners through 6th!!
What: The Falcon Jog-A-Thon is an opportunity for students to run laps on our school track for either flat donations or donation per lap. The Fun Run is at 9:30 AM and approximately a half-mile loop around the school and track. Parents are welcome to run with their students!
When: May 6th 2023 - 1/2 Mile FUN RUN is at 9:30 AM
JOG-A-THON times are as follows:
Pick up your race shirts starting at 7:45 AM
Kindergarten and 1st Grade from 8 to 8:30 AM
2nd Grade from 8:40 to 9:10 AM
3rd Grade to 6th Grade from 9:20 to 9:50 AM
Or jump in when your available!
Post-race refreshments will be provided to participants.
DEADLINE: You may register for the event up until the date of the Jog-A-thon & Fun Run. It is FREE to register and participate but every donation and pledge makes a difference! Jog-A-Thon registration does NOT include a t-shirt. You may purchase your t-shirt separately, HERE. Purchase by April 28 @ Noon for your runner to receive their 2023 t-shirt in time for the Jog-a-thon!
Let’s Get Ready to Run, Flint Hill!!!
Please register now to help our PTA raise funds to support our school with programs like Teacher Classroom Grants, Classroom Technology, Field Trip supplements, teacher & staff Appreciation, student Art Show, Family Science Night, New Families breakfast, International Night, parent involvement programs, Pumpkin Bingo, Show What You Know, Skate Night, Spelling Bee, After School Programs, Kindergarten ambassadors, Military Families liaison, Special Education liaison, and Reflections.
Thank you for your support!
Questions about how to register?
Using your computer's browser:
- Go to
- Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
- Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
- Follow the instructions on-screen to register Runner(s) and add family and friends
Using your Android or Apple phone or tablet:
- Go to the Apple App Store on IOS or the Amazon App Store on Android and search for "PledgeStar" to download the Family App, or go to
- On the home screen enter your event code: “flint” to locate your event, then click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
- Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
Follow the instructions on-screen to register Runner(s) and add family and friends - When you finish, the system emails pledge requests to your family and friends and allows them to make secure credit card donations online. You get notified each time a pledge is made, and you can track your pledge progress online.
Call Pledgestar at 1-888-598-7510 if you need help registering.
- Wednesday, February 12
- Monday, February 17
- Monday, February 24
For details on setting up or using any of these programs to support the FHES PTA while making purchases you're already making, please click HERE. |
And to our ELITE Sponsors!
Design Pro Remodeling
Kidcreate Studio -
Fairfax Station
Lucky Dog Vienna
Mottern Masonry Design
MZ Advising
And to our PREMIER Sponsors!
Blackbird Health
Laura Schwartz, Realtor
Quarterlife Center
Wow 1 Day Painting
And to all our Corporate Sponsors!
Pure Green Vienna
Soleil Nail Spa