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Rising Kindergarten Playdates - Summer 2024

Congrats on having a Kindergartener at Flint Hill ES in the 2024-25 school year!

Please provide your email address to get information on the Kindergarten playground playdates. Reminders and necessary changes to dates/times (due to weather) will be sent via email.


Please check your email for a confirmation that you’ve been added to the playdate list and more information on the FHES PTA.

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I’m a new family and would like to hear about the New Family Breakfast

The New Family Breakfast is typically hosted at Flint Hill by the FHES PTA a few weeks into the new school year. It’s a great chance to meet other new families, some of the staff, and learn more about the school, the FHES PTA and other Fairfax County Public School resources.